Some 11 days back I celebrated my birthday. Unlike every year when I would start counting days until my birthday two months prior to it, this year I was NOT looking forward to it. Why? Because I was/am scared. Scared of growing old, scared of losing people, scared to accept the fact that I'm not a kid anymore but a young adult. An "adult". I don't even have a proper word to describe how it feels when I'm told that I should act like one. I know I am probably not the only person in this world who's scared of aging and also that there will be more in the years to come but the ones who've already felt what I'm feeling right now how did they deal with it because I'm trying to accept the fact for quite some time now only to no avail. 
How did you deal with it? I really really need you to give me an answer because however hard I try I can't seem to find one and end up making myself more helpless than ever.



  1. Replies
    1. I thought I was the only one going gaga. Thank God! Somebody else feels it too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lamento que estés pasando por un momento así, creo que la cuestión de que tengas más o menos años de vida no implica que tengas que cambiar tu esencia, si bien la sociedad puede que te abrume con algunas responsabilidades extras, no deberías dejar que eso te afecte tanto .. sé que es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo. Pero creo que intentando lo que te nazca, bastará. No existe manual para vivir, solo inténta disfrutar cada uno de tus pasos!

    1. Thank you so much for trying to explain it to me in such powerful words. I'm really going to give it a thought.🙇

  4. do not be afraid to become an adult. its actually quite fun. you dont have to change. i am 54 and i refuse to act like an "adult". i behave, but i want to have fun. life is a journey, enjoy the ride, the ups, the downs, the challenges are just there to keep you busy. work hard, play hard. be nice and take each day as it is. and when you need help being an adult, go ask one to help you. there are lots of us who like to help the younger achieve.


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