Exactly 389 days prior to this day, I got all my hair shaved(Well, not all but almost all XD). Initially I had decided to do it after I was done with my graduation but the thought was so strong that it literally was haunting me when I was asleep(and also when awake). I would wake up in the middle of the night and would want to chop off all my hair right at that instant. One night I would have almost done it but decided to stop myself and do it in a proper manner, that is, letting the hair dresser do it. Finally, I got it done on the 17th of January in the year 2018. I did not inform any one before actually doing it; not even my parents. Everyone was up for a surprise (a shock rather keeping in mind how they reacted) and I on the other hand was up for their judgements. I called (video called) my parents and knew I was up for a nice scolding. But voila! They were laughing so hard at me that even the thought of scolding me didn't cross their mind. The next day when I went to the college, literally everyone wanted to speak to me and know why had I taken such a step. They would start with a small talk and then eventually would say, "Why did you cut your hair? Are you alright? But you look cute/nice." Okay so here are my answers; one, I did not cut my hair, I got them cut; two, why is cutting hair related to not being well?; and three, that's really not a nice way to cover up your judgments. When I would tell them that I felt like doing it so I did it, they would not believe me and would pester till they got the response they were hoping they would get. Like, "Oh! I did it because I'm depressed." Or, "I'm healing my broken heart." Which to their dismay they never got. When after almost a month had passed I posted a picture of mine with my newly acquired look and I had messages flooding in from random people,"Are you not well?", "Is there something you want to talk about?", "We can go for an outing if you aren't well.", et cetera et cetera.
Phew! It was seriously getting on my nerves but I knew even before getting my head shaved of what I was getting myself into, so I didn't let it affect me to the extent it should have actually affected me. Even now after these many months people want to know the reason, and I have finally decided to give it to them. THERE IS NO REASON! I wanted to experience how it feels to be bald and that is it. There's nothing beyond that. People have so many perceptions and assumptions of their own that they do not consider the thoughts and feelings of the other. I'm not blaming them for anything but I really want to question them. Why is it that hair have a part to play in the way a person feels?
Ask! Not me but yourself!


  1. So true . You are great at expressing these feelings.

    1. I'm trying but I feel extremely glad that you are taking my work into consideration. Thank you so much πŸ’“πŸ˜ƒ

  2. As amazingly written as you looked that timeπŸ”₯

    1. Your support that time and now has a major role to play πŸ’“


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