Day before yesterday I was scrolling through one of my social media accounts and found something that I really really wanted to share with a friend. It touched me to such a great extent that I didn't feel like sharing it with just anyone but a friend who actually was a close one. To be honest that friend is nonexistent. I'm not implying that I'm a loner because I have a lot of people with whom I'm friends and who are friends with me. What I'm trying to say is I lack the kind of friendship that has best friends in it. I figured this long time back that I can never have a best friend because either I start suffocating the other with my extraneous or it is vice versa. Either way the conclusion is the same ~ No Best Friend For Me!  I initially would blame myself but I realized that I need to make peace with myself and stop accusing myself for something I can't control. That's when I started to maintain  a journal. Staying in a boarding school wasn't an easy task and to be friendless made it even difficult. I'm not going into the details right now maybe some other time. The only thing I'm trying to say is it's okay not to have best friends because there are other things too. And trust me be it writing or reading, they provide you with something that even friends can't; knowledge. Remember, it's not necessary to have someone with you always to take care of you. You need to learn how to take care and be kind to yourself. To love yourself. It's not easy I know but it's so worth it.


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